ScroogeXHTML end of support for Java 8

The current version of the ScroogeXHTML RTF converter library still targets Java 8. The next major release will require JDK 11 or later for development, and Java SE 11 or later at run time. Development snapshots of this release will be available for registered users with active maintenance.

Also, support for all Java 8 versions of the library will be discontinued on 30 May 2025.

Discover ActiveMQ brokers with Indy 10.6 and IP multicast

This article shows how IP multicast can be used to discover Apache ActiveMQ message broker instances in the local network using Indy. Example output:

Screenshot 2021-08-14 164137

With the code below, an application can list all ActiveMQ brokers, see their status, and get the IP addresses, protocols, and port numbers of discoverable transport connectors. Transport connectors are discoverable, if their broker.xml configuration entry includes a discoveryUri attribute, for example discoveryUri=”multicast://default”.

Continue reading “Discover ActiveMQ brokers with Indy 10.6 and IP multicast”

Habari Client libraries release 2020.04

Habarisoft released the 2020.04 version of its Object Pascal STOMP client libraries for application integration with open source message brokers Apache ActiveMQ, Artemis, OpenMQ and RabbitMQ. The release includes

About Habari Client libraries

habari_logo_2016Habari Client libraries enable Object Pascal applications to take advantage of message broker / message queue technology – which is distributed, loosely coupled, reliable and asynchronous – to build integrated systems, using peer-to-peer and publish-subscribe communication models.

Consuming Server-Sent Events (SSE) with Indy TIdHTTP and TIdEventStream

A new Indy HTTP client / JAX-RS server example is now available on GitHub. The server side generates Server-sent events. Server-sent events (SSE) is a technology enabling a browser to receive automatic updates from a server via HTTP connection.

The example code uses TIdHTTP and TIdEventStream to connect to the server, and writes the incoming events to the console window.



  • Delphi or Lazarus IDE
  • Indy 10.6.2
  • Java IDE
  • Java EE 8 application server


The SSE client setup in the TIndySSEClient.Create creates a TIdHTTP instance and a TIdEventStream instance.
As recommended, the Accept header is set to 'text/event-stream'. It also sets the Cache-Control header to 'no-store' to prevent proxy servers from caching the result.
Our event handler TIndySSEClient.MyOnWrite is assigned to the TIdEventStreamOnWrite property.

constructor TIndySSEClient.Create;
  inherited Create;


  EventStream := TIdEventStream.Create;
  EventStream.OnWrite := MyOnWrite;

  IdHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create;
  IdHTTP.Request.Accept := 'text/event-stream';
  IdHTTP.Request.CacheControl := 'no-store';

The OnWrite handler decodes the UTF-8 encoded event data and writes it to the console:

procedure TIndySSEClient.MyOnWrite;
  WriteLn('Received ' + IntToStr(Length(ABuffer)) + ' bytes');

Server (main REST method)

The server generates the server-sent event and places a Stock instance in its data part:

  public void getStockPrices(@Context SseEventSink sseEventSink) {
    int lastEventId = 1;

    while (running) {
      Stock stock = getNextTransaction();

      System.out.println("Send event ...");
      OutboundSseEvent sseEvent = this.eventBuilder
              .data(Stock.class, stock)
              .comment("price change")


Additional notes

  • this is the first draft of a SSE client, which does not support features such as reconnect
  • the example assumes that every call of MyOnWrite contains exactly one event, teminated by a sequence of two line separators (cr lf / cr / lf) so that no extra code is required to do proper event stream parsing

Full source code
